Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weavers and Potters

The hardships faced by the people depending on the products made by hand for livelihood are highly deplorable. The successive governments seem to have been neglecting their owes. For instance, the weaver community has been facing a stiff competition from highly sophisticated and cheap domestic and imported products. But their firm's infrastructure did not develop much to face the competition from technologically developed products. In the recent years many debt ridden weavers committed suicides in several parts of India. Frequent power cuts, lack of proper water facilities, meagre credit, banking facilities, obsolete methods of production, improper marketing facilities, etc are some of the problems faced by these people. Similarly, the incomes of people depending on making pots and other pottery works too have come down due to lack of demand for their products. Some of them even migrating to other regions for a better livelihood leading to many other social problems such as urban chaos, negligence of their children and increasing debts. Hence, the government has to do something drastic to alleviate the problems of these people who have been depending on hand made products for livelihood for the past many decades.

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