Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Affordable HealthCare for Senior citizens

There should be substantial reduction in the cost of health care  for senior citizens. Suitable provisions for subsidised Mediclaim policies,reforms in cost of medicines, concession in consultation fees and  lab/scan charges at private hospitals, increase in funds allocation  for government hospitals,  effective supervision of functioning of these hospitals etc, should be made  in the the budget proposals.

The rationale: Most of the senior citizens would have toiled to give  off their best while in service. They would have enjoyed medical benefits as a part of compensation from the employers. Suddenly,   upon retirement,this facility is no longer available to them and they have to fend for themselves with the meagre pension. Many of them, at that stage in life,would have financial commitments in the form of marriages for their children. Besides, as they advance in age the need for proper medical care increases enormously. It is common knowledge that the cost of health care (cost medicines, lab tests ,consultation with the doctors, scans,  reviews etc)has become prohibitive. I have come across cases where family silver had to be sold to meet these costs. These  senior citizens have a right to  lead a decent life with honour. An affordable health care  is a must  for them.

Dy G M(retd) SBI,
11/1,Jeevaratnam Nagar, Adyar ,Chennai-600020.
24 06 09.

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