Monday, June 22, 2009

Budget wishlist from Mr. Alok Kejirwal,CEO & Co Founder, Games2win

22nd June 2009


Pasted below is the Budget wishlist from Mr. Alok Kejirwal,CEO & Co Founder, Games2win.


Mr. Alok Kejriwal is a serial entrepreneur and is currently the CEO and co-founder of Games2win – his fourth company.


His previous ventures include – one of India's best recognized Internet brands, – acquired by Walt Disney in China and Norwest ventures in India  and Media2win – one of the top 3 Interactive agencies in India. Alok is a child of the Internet and has built companies in India, China and the US.


Alok collaborates with like minded partners to start up companies and pavement pounds himself to create business traction. His signature is the ability to companies that capture tremendous value with minimal capital investment. Outside of work Alok collects Indian contemporary art and is an avid student of the Art of Living.




Vivek Nair / Varsha Talreja

Paradigm Shift PR


Tel: 22813797 / 98

Cell: 9833115116 / 9821195211


Budget Wishlist:


I believe that the Budget should really unshackle the connectivity issues India faces today. High quality broadband connectivity once made ubiquitous will be the 'digital highways' that will equal the physical bridges, roads and airports that India desperately needs.


Connecting people with the least friction leads to trade. The biggest success stories in the recent years have all indicated that the digital empowerment of consumers creates a massive spending that uplifts any economy. Consider the Ipod and Itouch. It's the itunes software that connects these devices into peoples homes and makes billions of the devices sell. Similarly, we need to make  Wimax and connectivity infrastructure as important an lights on public streets. Without them, wallet spending will remain dark


Computer literacy should also be incentivized by the government. Consumers need to understand how to leverage and use technology so that they become more efficient and contributory. Given that India is fast moving into a service economy, we need our people to be able to look into computer screens, tap away at keyboards and make things happen

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