Saturday, June 27, 2009

Budget Wishlist 2009



Following is Mr. Suresh’s wishlist for budget 2009. Attached are his profile and picture.



Getting a Better Bang for the Anti-Smoking Buck

It is estimated that there are about 120 million smokers in India. The government hopes that the no-smoking rule in India will achieve success through intensified public awareness programmes. In my opinion, this is wishful thinking.


The Reasons

Smoking bans have not been a successful part of the global smoking cessation policy. Here’s why: Governments cannot possibly count the number of cigarettes being consumed by their citizens. As the price of cigarettes rises, so does the black market in contraband tobacco. Ireland, one of the countries which pioneered the smoking bans reports that smoking levels have increased since the introduction of the smoking ban.


Restricting advertising has also had very little effect. Youngsters don’t start smoking because of advertising but simply because other people around them are doing it. Smokers don’t continue smoking because of advertising but because they are addicted to nicotine.


Nicotine Replacement Therapy has formed the cornerstone of most governments’ attempts to address the smoking problem. Just as you can’t cure an alcoholic by giving them alcohol intravenously; you can’t cure smokers of nicotine addiction by giving them nicotine.


A Cost-Effective Solution

The budgetary allocation for anti-tobacco campaign is around Rs 450 crores with an additional request for Rs100-125 crores annually. There are also plans to use part of the 5% cess collected from tobacco sales to fund the campaign.


A study by ICMR has shown that three tobacco-related disease groups: cancer, coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive lung disease cost the country Rs. 27,700 crores in 1999 and that number has risen dramatically in the last ten years.


In addition to the bans, the campaign could also focus on helping smokers to quit successfully through the use of proven methods such as cognitive therapy. Even if 25% of the above budget is used for this purpose, it will result in a dramatic drop in tobacco-related healthcare costs to the nation. It will also help millions of hapless smokers escape from a life of slavery to nicotine. Such an approach will provide a much better return on investment.


Suresh Shottam, Chairman and Founder

Uforia Health & Fitness Pvt. Ltd.


Do get back to me if more information is required.




Surabhi Mishra


Sr. PR Executive
#162 I 9th Cross I Ist Stage I Indira Nagar
Bangalore 560 038
Phone: +91 80 41698920 (10 lines), Fax: +91 80 41698918
Mobile: +91 98867 32025




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